Sunday, August 12, 2012

Secrets of Men

Apparently men do not always tell the truth. Sometimes they keep the secret to you. Wait; do not be suspicious first, because there are many reasons for such dishonesty. "We do not mean to lie, we just want to make things easier," that is men’s reason.

If you could see in him the truth, they are not as bad as you think. Accept them as they are, will help them to be more honest with you. Curious what are the things that are usually man hiding from his woman?

1.  It has become a tendency for every man looked beautiful and sexy woman passing by. But that does not mean they want to leave you.

2. For men, playing golf or other types of games, not just to play. But the moment that means out of the routine at home, wife and children. These games feel they provide comfort and pleasure, which can make a man out of the house and all its trouble for a moment.

3. Men tend to be difficult to understand the meaning of commitment and fear of living it. The men may truly love their partner, but they do not spend all his time to think about the lifetime commitment they might have to decide later.

4. Making money makes a man feel important. Although he did not say it, but actually they are not happy if the wife earning more than them. You could say this is a competition ego in him.

5. Although he often protested, they were actually happy to fix the device in the home.

6. Real men love it when you behave motherly towards them, but they're afraid you'll become like their mother.

7. The more a man gets older; usually they will love his wife. A man admitted it took one year to be able to truly appreciate his wife, other than great sex, and it took three years of marriage to his wife understand the whole way of thinking. They do not say this; because they are afraid of this statement will sound as if they do not love you before.

8. Often when you invite discussion or talk to discuss an issue, he simply said "yes, I understand," or "I'll do better next time." But actually he did not really understand what you're talking about. Not that they do not care, but part of the brain that processes this problem, usually they use for other things like sports.

9. Although he did not say it, most of them cringe when you drive. They are afraid you will take them to the accident.

10. They often wish I could go back to the age of 25 years, where they could freely eat the food they like as often as possible, when life was easy and fun, and free of responsibility.

11. "Give us an inch and we'll give you a lifetime." It is important that no man ever said to you. If you let them do stupid things that they enjoy, alone, such as a vacation alone, playing poker, surfing, and so on, then they will really appreciate you for it.

How? It is not difficult to learn to understand the nature of man? With understanding, not only will he be more appreciative of you, but your household will also continue to last.

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