Friday, August 24, 2012

The Power of First Impressions

Weekend usually keep us busy with all the invitations. Friend's wedding reception, birthday child's friends, or just hang out with dear friends. All these activities make our time at the end of the week is always solid.

What if there is no spouse who can be invited to accompany all these events? Do not be sad yet; invite your sister who just happened to be free in this weekend. Besides it can strengthen relationships, others can also marvel at the closeness you both.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Girlfriends Never Die!

Feelings of falling in love must be millions things, the world seemed to belong to both. Although a bit "old school" but that words always suit for couples who are in love. But, what if the love is gone? Who will be the back of the heart?

Most of the women really prefer to use the feelings rather than logic, especially in matters of romance. When a feeling of passionate love is in your heart, all feeling is pronounced only for the beloved. I wish to be together with him, wherever and whenever, no longer feels the people who have filled our days have been a little neglected. Female friends who have always spent time together in times of joy and sorrow slowly so untouchable anymore because we are busy with "the newcomer".

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Apologize to your ex? Why Not?

How important does apologize to an ex if you want invites back? Well, FYI apology is the most important thing! Especially if the relationship had ended in a less reassure.

Sometimes, a simple apology is not enough just so impressed. If you do not apologize, even said to be disrespectful. So what to do then?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wanted: Ubersexual Man!

Now, it’s no longer for metrosexual men these days. There is a new era for men that single women must know also if want to look for dream men. What is it?

You must have heard of the metrosexual man, and then do you also have heard ubersexual? The era of the metrosexual male now has passed, replaced by ubersexual men. If you ever hear and see Barack Obama, U.S. president, then he can be roughly categorized as male ubersexual.

Ubersexual is not a sexual disorder, but a term for a man with superior super personality. According to the book 'Prospective First Black President', the discourse ubersexual, physical appearance does not become an absolute size, although it is also very important. Ubersexual more talk about self-quality, inner beauty (beauty from within).

Monday, August 20, 2012

Safe Step dating Coworker

Love is never predictable direction and goals. Although many companies forbid their employees to get married with co-workers, yet many people fall in love with their coworkers.

If it looks by logic, personal life and work are two contradictory things. Love life should not be interfered with work and vice versa.

When you choose to engage in a romance at work, you must be very careful. Check out some safety tips having an affair at the following offices:

Make sure the precious love

Ask yourself, if indeed he is worthy of your love? Think even further, are you willing to lose a job because of love? Make sure you listen to your heart that love does not end in regret.