Thursday, August 23, 2012

Girlfriends Never Die!

Feelings of falling in love must be millions things, the world seemed to belong to both. Although a bit "old school" but that words always suit for couples who are in love. But, what if the love is gone? Who will be the back of the heart?

Most of the women really prefer to use the feelings rather than logic, especially in matters of romance. When a feeling of passionate love is in your heart, all feeling is pronounced only for the beloved. I wish to be together with him, wherever and whenever, no longer feels the people who have filled our days have been a little neglected. Female friends who have always spent time together in times of joy and sorrow slowly so untouchable anymore because we are busy with "the newcomer".

Actually, our female friends understand the attitude that change abruptly, "she is falling in love, we understand it", so that often they say. Invitation to hang out with more frequently we reject, as well as their telephone more frequently we do not lift nor does it make them move away. In fact we are more and more away from them, by a new preoccupation with him.

As long as the state with him just fine anyway it looks like we are still in a "safe" to leave the gang we chat. But let me, if all of a sudden a relationship with him in trouble and has to end. Who would we bother with pouring heart of emotion? I think our girlfriends are the most appropriate choice. Now the question, whether they are willing to accept that we have left them for someone who ultimately make our days gray? The answer is, definitely!

Believe me; our female friends would not let us grieve alone. They will listen patiently and faithfully all the outpouring of our hearts and also entertain with the best possible way. They will never leave us in a single moment of grief. Even without being asked they would come to drive out all the sadness and the anger that is being penetrated our hearts. They will entertain by what we must have been like too. Tears will not let us down again with anyway. During that time we realized, that the presence of a super noisy girlfriends turned out to be one of the most beautiful part of our lives. And remorse for having abandoned them quietly will arise in our heart.

Well, before finally arriving regret it, if now you're doing froze action against them, and was concentrating on the "newcomers" in your life, you should immediately realize. Or even now you are being confused for a long while ignoring your girlfriends, now it sounds like you need them to help the healing process after breaking up with him, get to meet them. Not to be ashamed and afraid, because they will always be counted on to be a shoulder to cry on the right.

Girlfriends never die for sure!

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